Welcome to my home!

Welcome to my home!

Recently I was asked, “My daughter would love to invite yours over but our house isn’t wheelchair accessible.” The other parent was chagrined to have to ask about what might be seen as a shortcoming on her part, sincerely apologetic, and yet I was thrilled! She opened the door to dialogue about how she could best accommodate and welcome my daughter, also a wheelchair user, into her home.

Today, my friend, Ellen Painter Dollar, a fellow mom with disability and a thoughtful blogger/writer, posted an heartfelt and informative essay on “Six ways to be Hospitable toward People with Disabilities“. She invited two friends (one was me!) to share their ideas for making careful walkers/wheelers feel more welcome. I urge you to read both Ellen’s articulate post and the comments that follow.

Thanks, Ellen, for starting the conversation. Maybe a few more party invitations will be forthcoming after this!