Curb ramp at Crosswalk
I am so proud of my pal George. First, full disclosure: George Hallowell is the other half of Studio Pacifica, Ltd. – we founded the firm in 1993 and were in Architecture school together. I feel like we’ve been pals for my entire life (not really but close!). He’s gone on to bigger and better things at North Carolina State University, working towards his Ph.D in Urban Geography. He’d devised this wonderful new app idea for helping slow walkers and PWD for getting more useful information about getting around as a pedestrian. I was able to present this white paper, describing the feasibility project, at the American Association of Geographers conference in Seattle yesterday. It sparked enough interest that I’m posting it here to share with my tiny community of blog readers. It deserves grant funding to move it beyond the feasibility stage and into the pilot stage.
Happy reading and here’s to easier rolling in the future!
Mapping an Accessible Route_20110414
Image courtesy of SDOT Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan website.
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